Online Poker News » January 2005
» January 17, 2005.
Bobbie C. Gets A Royal Flush And Wins $100,488.85 On CyberStud Poker At 7 Sultans Casino.

Did anything unusual happen the day that you hit the jackpot?
I was getting my hair done and sitting at the computer playing when I hit my progressive jackpot ($100,488.85) with a royal flush of hearts on Cyberstud poker.
What did you do when you realized you'd hit the jackpot?
I saw the "you've won the progressive jackpot" and could not believe it..nor could my friend , who was coloring my hair.. we went and got my husband...he said he'd believe it when we got the money.....and boy was he a believer when just 48 hours later....I received the money!!! (we are all still in shock...five days later)
How will you spend your winnings?
Giving some money to my husband's 83 year old mom, my son and his two daughters ..but we are putting most of the money away in savings....since we had just sold our home, my husband is soon to the timing is perfect for our little 'nestegg'.
How long were you playing before you hit the jackpot?
I had only been playing about 2 hours that morning when I hit the big one!!!
What do you do in your spare time?
In my spare time... I play casino, go fishing (for the big one) ride my jet ski and spend as much time as I can with my twin grandaughters.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
I have been married for five years to my best friend and lover (after meeting almost ten years ago). I have one son who is 31 and hew has twin daughters that are 5.... (my pride and joy). I am 50 years old... I quit working 3 years ago after 30+ years of a very high stress career, being an escrow officer and then manager of the office.... The jackpot has made me "really even more blonde" than normal.... Its like walking on cloud nine... I still find it hard to believe...but it is true...and it will make our lives much better to have this extra $100,488.85 for a backup if needed!!!
Source: Jackpot Madness
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