Online Poker News » October 2003
» October 9, 2003.
Jean B. Wins in the Wee Hours of the Morning. $67,431.67 Win On Jackpot Deuces At 7 Sultans Casino.

What was your initial reaction to your big win?
I remember saying out loud ‘Oh my goodness!' I really did! It was too early to call anyone. I ran screaming and crying through the house like a crazy woman. I kept coming back into the office and the win was still on the screen.
How do you plan on spending your winnings?
I just bought a new house, so a large portion will go towards house payments. My car is dying, so I am going to replace it. I will also be retiring in the near future, so the rest of the money will go in the bank for a rainy day. Of course, I also reversed about $3,000 for future fun at the casino.
What advice do you have for others?
Never give up. God will never give you more on your plate than you can handle, so get busy. Resolve your issues, put a smile on your face, a grin in your heart, and exercise a little leap of faith now and then.
What do you do for good luck?
I pray to the card gods. I don't really know if they exist. I choose to believe I have a guardian angel that is a poker player.
What is your dream holiday destination?
I'd love the be at the beach any time of the year with a bottle of fine wine, Kenny G on the boom box, and a good mystery book. Of course this beach must be adjacent to a great casino. Las Vegas is by far the best beach of all.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Ride horseback, read, play at online casinos, and go to live casinos every chance I get.
What 3 things would you take with you on a deserted island?
A knife, a lighter or matches, and a Bible.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
I am a newly divorced female, 61 years young, and work as a corporate auditor for a large company in the healthcare industry. I have a degree in medical technology and business management. I lived in Indiana and Michigan all my life until December 2002 when my company promoted me and moved me to Raleigh, NC. I like the beach, sunsets and sunrises, a glass of wine, a good cup of coffee, eating in great restaurants, a good mystery book, hits of the 60's, jazz, and all sports. Horses are my passion and used to be part of my job. I have two sons and a very large extended family.
Source: Jackpot Madness
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