Online Poker News » April 2002
» April 15, 2002.
Lasse S. Wins $357,089.04 Playing NEW Microgaming Cyberstud Poker At Jackpot City.

What was your reaction to winning such a massive amount of money and being the first winner?
I was completely shocked! I didn't know what to do there and then. I called a friend of mine and asked him to come to my place and confirm what I saw on my computer. He was almost as shocked as me...
What are your plans for your winnings?
With all this money, you might say that I can do almost whatever I want... The first thing I am going to do is to buy myself the car of my dreams. That's an Audi RS2. Second, I am going to travel to the USA for a trip in a fighter jet. That will be for approximately $13.000, and then I will of course pay all my debts, although that isn't much. I will also invest some money and of course build or buy myself a house... And I will use some of my money for more gambling.
How did you get to be so lucky?
I don't do anything special for good luck, it seems that I am born lucky! And I don't complain.... Perhaps that is what brings the good luck??
Do you have any special advice for your fellow players?
I live day by day, and it seems to be the best way to live. Although now I have to plan ahead a bit considering all the money I won... And it's better to be rich and well than poor and sick....
What is your dream holiday destination?
That would be to spend a holiday on a cruise ship for a week, followed with a week in Las Vegas!
Source: Jackpot Madness
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