Online Poker News » February 2006
» February 1, 2006.
Lose With Four Of A Kind, 8's Or Better And Win Big Bad Beat Progressive Jackpot At Poker Rewards Cardroom.

Play on the Bad Beat Jackpot tables and win the Jackpot if you lose with a hand of 'Four of a kind, 8's' or better. So when you lose big... you also WIN BIG!
This is how it works: If you have Four of a Kind, 8's or better, and it's beaten, no problem, because the Bad Beat Jackpot kicks-in for a Bad Beat Payout! The Player who receives the "Bad Beat" receives 49% of the Jackpot and the remaining players, those who actively participated in the hand, split 21% of the Jackpot. The rest of the Jackpot goes towards the next Bad Beat Jackpot and administrative fees. With Bad Beat, you simply can't lose!
To Qualify for the Progressive Bad Beat Jackpot: The losing hand must contain Four of a Kind, 8's or better. Four or more Players must be dealt into the hand. The hand must be a raked hand and the Jackpot contribution is collected from the hand. The best hand of the winner and the loser must include both the hole cards, and the hand must go to a showdown.
The Jackpot contribution is only collected once during a hand. The value of the Jackpot contribution is $0.50. The Jackpot contribution is displayed as a separate rake chip stack, to the right of the normal rake chip stack, on the chip tray. Jackpot contributions are accumulated until the Jackpot is won. The current Bad Beat Jackpot value is displayed in the Lobby and on every Jackpot table. Players must actively participate in a Jackpot hand to qualify for any winnings. Players can qualify for the table share of the Jackpot if they were dealt into the hand but folded before the showdown.
If there are more than two hands involved in a Bad Beat in a hand, then the two highest hands are considered for the Jackpot. The higher of the two hands is the winning hand and the other hand wins the Bad Beat.
In the event that two qualifying Jackpot hands occur at the same time, the hand that is saved first is awarded the Bad Beat Jackpot. Players must play their hands independently. Players cannot tell opponents what to do or to reveal their hand to other Players. Any contravention of this will result in the hand being disqualified for the Jackpot.
The percentage payout of the Jackpot is as follows:
70% is distributed as winnings:
70% to the losing hand, the Bad Beat
30% (or 21% of the total jackpot) evenly split between the Players who actively participated in the hand
20% is used to seed the next Jackpot
10% is used for administration.
Source: Poker Rewards
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