Online Poker News » January 2006
» January 12, 2006.
Download Free Online Poker Calculator From Poker Rewards To Maximize Your Winnings And Play Like A Pro.

Online Poker just ain't the same as throwing back a few cold ones at the card table with your buddies. Online, you can't reveal a poker face. And you can't read one, either. Instead, players use other gambits to gain the upper hand. They study your betting patterns, how much you bet, and how fast.
Here's Your Opportunity to Profit Like Mad... Online poker rooms are still (and always will be) loaded with guys and gals of all kinds..
- Players who are oblivious to the simplest of tools and tricks
- Folks who are too lazy to care
- Those with over-active egos who wouldn't dare stoop to outside advice
Here's How Our FREE Poker Calculator Pulls You Closer to 'Pro-Level Status' the Instant You Start Using It.
Automatically Reads Every Hand for You. Follows every players' positions, folds and bets - considers them against your cards - with no input from you at all. Now you'll maintain tighter focus and keep pace with the game - without sacrificing a thing.
Vital Odds & Advice, at a glance. You can choose to either.. follow the exact advice from the calculator without a thought (i.e. fold, raise, raise + re-raise, etc.).. or consider the advice with the percentage odds of making certain hands, pre-flop hand strength, and more. Requires less thought as it injects your mind with more accurate decision-making power. No matter how you play or what your skill level, it gives you the vital mathematical 'intel' you need to play more successful poker.
Bet Safer! Improves Your Game, Online and Off.
While it can only be used online, your traditional, face to face poker skills will accelerate automatically. As you play, your mind gets familiar with the calculator's continued odds and advice. And you'll start to 'see' the odds more clearly on your own. Even when you step away from the virtual poker tables and sit down at a physical table.. you'll have a heightened awareness of how to play and bet smarter!
Sharpens Your 'Edge' as You Increase Your Winnings or Learn Risk-Free. Works with 'Freeroll' no-money poker just as well as online tournaments with $100,000 prize pools. Use it to your advantage with every hand of online poker, no matter how conservative or aggressive you play!
Fully Integrated with the Latest Version of PokerRewards Online Poker Software. If you're not already a member, get started now with the odds in your favor.
Other players are using it as we speak. Your only intelligent option is to bring a robust poker calculator into your arsenal before you play your next hand. At PokerRewards, it's free.
Why do PokerRewards gives away its poker calculator for free, when others charge steep fees for theirs?
In short, we're locked and focused on making sure you enjoy yourself, while you master the timeless art of legally collecting other people's money! To do that, we feel it's our obligation to give you all the free tools and techniques for learning the game, polishing your skills, and climbin' the ranks.. All the way to Pro, if you like.
"We give away our tools and strategies for free because we're in this for the long haul. We intend to remain a trusted source for Online Poker, respected for how we take care of you and all our members. And we've got our eyes set on being #1. But hey, reaching #2 or 3 wouldn't bother us any." - from the Poker Rewards website.
Source: Poker Rewards
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