Online Poker News » December 2005
» December 23, 2005.
Download Your Free Copy Of 'The Definitive Online Poker Strategy' E-Book From Poker Rewards Site.

Everything you need is just sumbitting your name and email address (you can remove yourself with just one click). Here's a taste of what's revealed in your FREE copy of "The Definitive Online Poker Strategy".
Texas Hold'em & Basic Poker Overviews
Hold'em terms and betting explained. Full breakdown of Hold'em action, from the pre-flop (round 1) to the showdown and winning the pot. Plus, winning hand, high-card & high-suit cheat sheets. Play your next hand like you've been doing it for years.
Secrets to Winning Online Poker
How some of your opponents stupidly give their money away, and
How you can easily prevent these costly mistakes
Seven ways to maintain mental control
Four keys to staying positive
How to classify your opponents and bet more effectively.
Texas Hold'em Strategies
Which starting hands you should raise, call or fold...and when. Color coded for easy use at a glance.
10 Essential Tips & Tactics Reveal:
How to study your opponents to improve your game
How to turn the tables when you're caught bluffing
How to identify when an opponent will likely make a straight
How to avoid bad habits that gobble up your bank roll
... and 6 others you need to know.
Fold'em, Hold'em, or Bluff'em?
Three questions help you decide. Plus, how to take advantage of the 'check.'
Online Poker Strategy Tools Reviewed
A simple computer program that tracks and saves players' hand history and your winnings/losses per opponent. Quickly learn from instant "20/20 hindsight" by replaying your hands graphically!
Advantages of Online Poker
Why cheating is nearly impossible. Why Online Poker is a "safe haven" for getting up to speed in a hurry, with little or no risk, and more.
Poker Profiles
The five player categories explained - what to watch for and how to win their money. The six-prong approach to building your own winning profile. And get the low-down on online poker deception, etiquette, betting limits, glossary of poker terms, and more! Don't get shafted into paying for this information elsewhere!
Also, get the run-down on the new FREE PokerRewards Poker Calculator
You won't reach the peak of your earnings potential without the powerful, accurate insight this handy companion will give ya. Too much to list here, so just get your hands on the free ebook now to find out more. So be sure you're set up with new FREE PokerRewards Poker Calculator. It'll stack even more odds in your favor, like you won't believe! Catch the review today in your free copy of "The Definitive Online Poker Strategy."
Why do PokerRewards gives away its poker strategy ebook for free, when others insist on collecting your money for theirs? PokerRewards is established and respected, and one of the few "pure poker" websites - and these guys don't want anything to change that.
Not only do they take the "business side" of PokerRewards seriously... they're infected with the 'love of the game.' They don't salivate over dreams of becoming "information marketers." This is a friggin' poker site, for cryin' out loud!
As their tag line says, PokerRewards is "Where You Rake In The Cash." So take advantage of their free poker resources, and play better poker - starting now. Good Luck!
Source: Poker Rewards
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