Online Poker News » February 2003
» February 27, 2003.
Walking to the Computer Brings on Big Win To Debbie E. - $321,000.97 Jackpot On CyberStud Poker At All Slots.

What was your initial reaction to your win?
At first I was in shock!! I saw my husband driving down the street and ran out of the house yelling and waving my arms. He had no idea what happened. He thought something tragic had happened instead of something spectacular!
How do you plan on spending your winnings?
First, I will pay off all of my credit card debts. Next, I will take my family on a vacation, and then I'll purchase a few things for my home. And of course, I'll put some away in my savings.
What advice do you have for others?
Live today for today. Don't worry about yesterday or fear tomorrow.
What is your dream holiday destination?
I would like to take my husband on a honeymoon to Hawaii.
Source: Jackpot Madness And All Slots Casino
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