Online Poker News » February 2002
» February 2, 2002.
Couldn't Have Come at a Better Time For Debbie E. Who Wins $7,147.19 Playing SupaJax At The River Belle.

What was your reaction to hitting the jackpot?
I was so excited, I did a dance around my desk!
What are your plans for your winnings?
I have not spent my winnings but I am thinking about ways to spend it. The Jackpot will make money matters a little easier and it could not of come at a better time!
What's your dream vacation?
A cruise on a luxury liner with my family to someplace warm and tropical.
Do you have any advice for your fellow Jackpot Madness players?
Be positive and when things go wrong as they sometimes do, you just know that things will get better. Every thing happens for a reason. I believe in fate.
What else would you like to share with your fellow Jackpot Madness players?
I have been married for 28 years to the love of my life. We have one son who is now married and planning a family of his own.
Source: Jackpot Madness
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