Online Poker News » December 2003
» December 5, 2003.
2 Jackpots in 1 Week. Charmane V. Wins $2,683.85 Playing SupaJax At Piggs Peak Casino.

How do you plan on spending your winnings?
I will save the money this time.
How long had you been playing before you won?
About 30 minutes.
How long has it been since your last win?
7 days.
What keeps you coming back?
The fun of the chase.
Tell us how your first win has influenced your life. Will this win be any different?
My first win gave me some spare cash to gamble with. This time I will save the money.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
I'm 52 years old, married, and have two grown children. I am also a homemaker.
Source: Jackpot Madness
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