Online Poker News » August 2003
» August 13, 2003.
Laura's Husband Wins For Her! Laura S. Wins $13,217.58 Playing SupaJax Poker At Roxy Palace.

How do you plan to spend your winnings?
We'd like to put a down payment on a new car.
How long had you been playing before you won?
About 10 minutes on SupaJax.
What do you do for good luck?
Nothing, my husband is really lucky!
What advice do you have for others?
Just push through all your problems - its got to get better.
Describe in detail your dream holiday destination.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Spend time with my family.
What is your ultimate goal in life?
To enjoy life to its fullest.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
I'm married with two children, if you count my husband!
Source: Jackpot Madness
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