Sit-N-Go Poker Tournaments Arrive At Commerce Casino.

(Commerce, CA) - For the first time ever, "Sit-n-Go" poker has been added to the multitude of table games already available at the World's Largest Poker Casino. Commerce Casino Sit-n-Go's won't be your run-of-the-mill event, however, because the latest electronic poker table will be the home for these single table tournaments at Commerce .
Tim Gustin, Commerce Casino Manager, said two new electronic Lightning Poker Tables were installed in the poker room early in July. The digital tables do not require a human dealer, but instead utilize a highly dependable computer processor to track the game, distribute chips, and handle shuffling and dealing; resulting in quicker games and the chance for players to see a lot more hands.
Lightning Poker Table Sit-n-Go's operate much the same as games held online, except players have the chance to interact with each other in person and make visual "reads" on opponents. There are no tangible cards or chips. Instead each player has a 12-inch, touch-screen monitor in front of him or her to review hands and place bets. Built in to the center of the table is a huge, 45-inch, high-definition monitor that shows bets placed by opponents and displays community cards. Action is augmented with the authentic sounds of chips clacking together and riffling of cards.
Ron Skotarczak, president of Lighting Poker, said the electronic tables were carefully designed to be intuitive for players, thus making game play easy. The touch-screen action buttons closely mimic those that people have become accustomed to with online poker, and the computer even keeps players from acting out of turn. Additionally, the Lightning Poker computer shuffles and deals much quicker than a human, meaning games progress faster. All tolled, the Lightning Poker system makes Sit-N-Go play fun for long-time aficionados and inviting to novices becoming comfortable with live play.
According to Commerce's Casino Development Manager, John Griffo, the Lightning Poker Tables at the casino are set for not only Hold'em Sit-n-Go's, but will also be used for live action $2-$4 and $3-$6 Limit Hold'em games, as well as $40 No Limit Hold'em. For No-Limit Sit-N-Go's, there will be both $40 and $80 buy-in options at the Lightning Poker tables. Patrons interested in competing at the tables simply visit a casino cashier to obtain a special debit card similar to those used at slot or video poker machines. Simply slide the card into a scanner located at each of the table's seats and you're ready to go. While the tables seat 10, games can be started with fewer players. The starting chip count is 500 with varying blinds. Limits go up every 15 minutes. The current payout structure for the $40 game is 60 percent to the winner, 40 percent to runner-up. The $80 competitions pay 50 percent to the winner, 30 percent to second and 20 percent to third.
Feedback has been positive from patrons using the Lightning Poker Tables during the testing period at Commerce Casino. Gustin said the tables have proven to be an attractive alternative for players of all ages and skill levels. In fact, many players have been recruiting their friends to join them at the digital Sit-N-Go games.
"Overall, the reception has been quite warm for the Lighting Poker Table," Gustin said. "We are excited to be the first casino in Southern California to provide Lighting Poker to our patrons, and extremely pleased to offer Sit-N-Go games that are very much a favorite of poker players."
Located in Commerce, California, Commerce Casino is the largest poker casino in the world. There are more than 200 poker tables featuring just about every form of poker: Texas Hold 'em, 7-Card Stud, Omaha, Lowball, Pot Limit, Mexican Poker, Pineapple, Draw, Low-Ball and many others. Also offered are Pan and California games. Additionally, Commerce Casino runs satellite tournaments for World Poker Tour events throughout the year, which anyone can enter.
About Commerce Casino
Commerce Casino is located at 6131 East Telegraph Rd., Commerce, CA 90040, just minutes south of downtown Los Angeles off of the
Santa Ana (5) Freeway at the Washington Blvd. exit. The phone is (323) 721-2100. For more information, go to
About Lightning Poker™
Founded in 2004, Lightning Poker™ designs, develops and markets gaming systems. Distributed exclusively by Shuffle Master, Inc., the Lightning Poker™ system is a turnkey, fully automated, electronic poker table. Tables decrease casino costs and increase player earnings while providing an overall entertaining experience.
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