Online Poker News » June 2007
» June 18, 2007.
$400,000 2007 Caribbean Poker Classic Freerolls And New Players Freerolls At Sun Poker.

Online players have good chances to join Team SunPoker in November for the third annual Caribbean Poker Classic tournament in St. Kitts! From May 19th through November 8th SunPoker will be hosting MPP (my poker point) freeroll tournaments with a total prize pool of over $400,000. Qualify for as little as 1 MPP.
$10,000 Monthly New Player Freerolls
Every month Sun Poker will award new players with a ticket to a $10,000 monthly freeroll tournament. All they have to do is earn 100 MPPs (my poker points) within 30 days of registering their new account. This is tremendous value and quite possibly the largest new player freeroll available online. Join now, collect your bonus and start earning these magic points.
$25K Monthly and $6K weekly freeroll tourneys
Starting January and every month after, SunPoker has been hosting a Mega $25,000 MPP (my poker point) freeroll tournament for its loyal players. You can Buy-in directly or qualify daily for a little as 100 MPPs. MPPs are Sun Poker's way to reward its loyal poker players. Points are earned by playing at regular cash games or ring game tables. You are awarded MPPs along the following schedule:
Rake from 0.25 to 0.99 = 0.25 MPP
Rake from $1 to $3 = 1 MPP
Tournament Fee's $/£/€1 = 3 MPPs
Monthly GTD Leader Board
Each month SunPoker puts up $50,000 to tournament leaders across three daily selected tournaments. Place in Sun Poker's daily $4K, £8k or £12k to collect leader board points. Finish the month among the top 100 and collect your share of $50K in Cold Hard Cash!
$30,000 Monthly MPP Leader Boards (May - October 2007)
Starting in May, SunPoker is giving away over $30,000 in tournament seats and cash to the top MPP earners each month. Simply place within the top 250 MPP earners and win cash or a seat to the 2007 Caribbean Poker Classic!
$1,000 bonus at SunPoker
Sun Poker is offering up to $1,000 in free bonus money to players starting June 1, 2007. Players will have four different options to choose from (only one option each month is allowed):
1. $200 deposit bonus - 100% match up to $200 free chips
2. $500 deposit bonus
3. $1,000 deposit bonus
4. $500 no deposit bonus
There are bonus codes for each option available on Sun Poker. A certain amount of MPP's are required to release each bonus option. See the website below for more information.
Source: SunPoker
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