Online Poker News » May 2004
» May 10, 2004.
Jackpot Deuces Win Helps Fund College Education. Candia S. Wins $18,050.91 Jackpot At The River Belle.

What was your initial reaction to your big win?
I stared at the screen for what seemed like ten minutes. I was afraid to touch anything in fear that I would mess something up.
How do you plan on spending your winnings?
I'm going to place the money in a college fund for my child. Maybe I'll also go to a weekend spa.
How long had you been playing on the day of your win?
A couple of hours.
What advice do you have for others?
Treat others with respect and compassion. These things will come back to you when you need them most.
What is your dream holiday destination?
I haven't thought about the details, but I would like to spend time in New Zealand.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Spend time outdoors.
What 3 things would you take with you on a deserted island?
My husband, daughter and a good book. I'd die anyway without them!
What is your ultimate goal in life?
To just live a good life and to be kind to those around me. Funny that while it is very exciting to win this jackpot, money is probably the last thing on my list that would make me happy.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
I'm married with one child. I am 44 years old and am a COO for a law firm. Winning the jackpot tickles me!
Source: Jackpot Madness
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